My Precious Family!

My Precious Family!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Time Hop

Ok, so I was recently introduced (by my techie brother-in-law) to this new app called Time Hop! Every time we see Josh he always has new apps that he thinks we need to check out. Now usually the apps are way over my head or they just aren't applicable to my every day life, but this one really caught my attention! This app archives every picture, tweet, or blog you ever post on social media (I think you can also somehow hook it to your computer and archive all the photos you have stored on it as well, but I'm not sure how to do that yet!) But what's so great about it is everyday it shows you what was posted on that day specifically! It's the neatest thing to be able to see what you were doing a year ago, two years ago, three years ago and so on and so on! Just the other day mine showed pictures that I posted on Facebook 6 years ago!! 6 years ago!!! Talk about a walk down memory lane!!! It's such a fun app! Even Liam gets excited to see what that days pictures are! 
What was archived for today was a blog post from 3 years that talked about us getting ready to go bring Tytus home. It brought back a number of emotions and memories! It was so wonderful to read and see what God was doing in those days! It inspired me to start blogging again. To put into words things that the Lord is doing in my life and the life of our family. 

Here's a screen shot of today's            Time Hop: 

I also had a day that didn't have anything and I have to admit, it made me extremely sad! Like there were no memories of that day! Of what I did or what my kids did or what we did as a family......nothing! Just a blank day. I know it may sound silly, but after several days of pictures and memories to nothing, it made me realize that I can't get those days back. So I decided I am going to be proactive and I am going to post at least one picture everyday on either Facebook, Instagram or do a blog post so that in the following years I won't have a blank day! It's like my own digital scrapbook (because anyone who knows me knows "I ain't got time for that!"). 
Another great thing about this app is it's FREE!!! And it only takes a couple of minutes to get it set up! 
So what are you waiting for?! Go download your Time Hop and see what you were up to a year ago!