Are you tired? Tired of this, tired of that? Tired of the same ol' same ol', everyday life? Tired of being stressed? Tired of worrying about what the future holds? Tired of wondering when things will get better?
I'm not gonna lie, I AM TIRED!!! I am tired of waiting. Tired of checking my email all day everyday hoping to hear when we get to go pick up our sweet little boy. I'm tired of getting my hopes up every time the phone rings or every time I have a new message in my inbox. I'm tired of feeling like I'm always at the mercy of someone else. Tired of constantly wondering how much longer.
I hate to sound negative, but I want this blog to be real. About our real life, the good, the bad and the ugly. And this is just where I'm at at the moment. We knew going into our adoption that waiting was part of it, and I know that when the wait is over it will be well worth it. It's just that in the midst of the wait it feels excruciatingly long, like it's never going to end.
As I was praying through all of these emotions today God brought Matthew 11:28 to mind. It says, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." God promises rest to those to come to him. And you better believe I went running. There is no greater feeling than to give a heavy load to the Lord! I pray that if you are weary and burdened that you will go lay it all at his feet, and receive rest!!
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